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Unsere Programme in der Kategorie Tiere & Natur
Programmname: Animigo - ES - Sale
ProgrammID: 7041
Fundado de una pasión por la salud y el bienestar de las mascotas, animigo ES es la tienda online líder en Reino Unido de suplementos para mascotas y productos de bienestar de alta calidad. Desde el inicio, su dedicación a los amigos peludos ha ido a más expandiéndose a lo largo de Europa.

Da rienda suelta a la energía y vitalidad de su mascota con los productos premium de para la salud de su mejor amigo. Descubre una amplia gama de suplementos y productos para el bienestar de tu amigo peludo.


keine Laufzeitbegrenzung


90 Tage

5,00 %

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Yarrah - UK is the webshop for the modern dog and cat lover, who makes conscious choices for their pets. Here, visitors will find high-quality, organic and healthy food for their beloved four-legged friends. The range is 100% certified organic and is put together with passion and care. At Yarrah Organic Petfood, everything revolves around animal welfare and the planet, which is why they support various organisations working for the environment and animal welfare. Customers can thus contribute directly to a better world for humans and animals. What does the webshop have to offer visitors? At Yarrah Organic Petfood, visitors can count on high-quality, organic and natural dog and cat food of the best quality. All products contain only pure ingredients of ethically responsible origin. Thus, Yarrah selects all their ingredients themselves and monitors the entire process, from farm to feed. By choosing Yarrah Organic Petfood, visitors take good care of their pets as well as the environment. Plus, they can count on fast delivery, free shipping on orders from £39.99- and excellent customer service. What does the webshop offer the affiliate? As an affiliate of Yarrah Organic Petfood, you get the chance to be part of a mission that has a positive impact on people, animals and the planet. With a 5% commission per purchase, you will receive attractive compensation for every customer who shops at Yarrah Organic Petfood through your link. Moreover, you can count on a team that responds quickly to questions and supports you in your promotional activities. Yarrah Organic Petfood is known for its extremely low return rates, which means that your efforts as an affiliate will be well rewarded. Unique Selling Points of the webshop: • 100% certified organic: Yarrah Organic Petfood offers only food of the highest organic quality, with no artificial additives or preservatives. • Sustainability and ethics: The company supports various organisations for environmental and animal protection, so every customer contributes to a better future for people, planet and animals. • Speed and service: Orders are shipped before 1pm on the same working day and customers can count on excellent customer service. • Low return rates: Yarrah Organic Petfood has high customer satisfaction and minimal returns, which means affiliates can count on good conversions and commissions.
5,00 %

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7,50 %